Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Do you experience frequent nighttime awakenings? Imagine that one in six French people also suffer this unpleasant experience every time they go to bed. The plausible causes? It could be an overheated room, an unsuitable diet in the evening, outside noise or even inadequate bedding. However, lack of sleep is not without consequences for our health and our daily performance. It conditions our life, that's undeniable! This is why fine-tuning our sleep hygiene should never be underestimated. To take care of our sleep, the best secret is to create an optimal sleeping environment! Fall into the arms of Morpheus more easily thanks to our few practical tips to avoid insomnia!
Why is it so important to sleep well?
Sleep contributes to the regeneration of our body's cells . It plays an important role in the consolidation of our memory (post-learning). Among other things, it allows us to naturally get rid of toxins, to strengthen our memory capacity and to bring strength and vitality to our body ... As you will have understood, sleep is a vital need like hunger, thirst, breathing or even sexuality.What are the factors that disrupt sleep?
Although sleep is a vital need for our well-being, it is an element that is often "neglected". Indeed, certain disruptive elements are at the origin of sleep disorders , thus preventing the secretion of melatonin. Whether internal or environmental, these disruptive factors can harm our sleep. Overview of these elements that are harmful to our sleep.

- Light: whether natural, artificial or blue, it invites us to stay awake
- Electromagnetic waves: they are generated by mobile phones, television, Wi-Fi networks, etc. An invisible nuisance, of course, but which affects our sleep and the production of melatonin.
- Changing bedtimes: Most people are unable to maintain a regular bedtime routine, which is a plausible cause of their difficulty falling asleep.
- Incorrect circadian rhythm: A person who suffers from a circadian rhythm disorder cannot wake up or go to sleep at normal times. This disruption of the biological rhythm is caused by regular intense physical activity, jet lag or taking certain medications…
- Diet : Without necessarily being aware of it, the consumption of fatty foods and stimulants before going to bed disrupts our sleep.
- Inadequate room temperature in the bedroom: room temperature and sleep are closely linked. Excessive heat or a room that is too cold have a disruptive effect on our sleep.
- Bad bedding : most people attach little importance to their bedding, which is nevertheless a vital element in the quest for a restful night. If it is not of good quality, bedding can quickly become a disruptive factor in our sleep. It is essential to have a good mattress, but also quality pillows like those offered by Alba Matelas .
Top Tips for Creating a Good Sleep Environment
Looking for sustainable solutions to improve your sleep and combat insomnia? Let’s review the best practices that will help you create a stable sleep environment that is conducive to calm and peaceful nights.Set a regular sleep schedule
A good night's sleep is characterized by well-established habits. Among them is the regularity of bedtimes. Going to bed at a fixed time each night allows us to program our body to get used to a regular sleep rhythm. It is undoubtedly a simple but effective sleep hygiene, allowing us to better maintain our body and thus facilitate falling asleep.Eat a healthy diet in the evening
Many people are unaware of the possible impact of diet on the quality of sleep. And yet, eating too much fat or too much food is not without consequences for our falling asleep. On the contrary, this unsuitable eating habit in the evening causes difficult digestion and subsequently, prevents us from sleeping well. With this in mind, we give you our advice for sleeping better by consuming among other things:-
foods rich in tryptophan such as poultry, potatoes, eggs, nuts, almonds, hazelnuts and fish
legumes like lentils, beans or peas…
fruits such as dates, figs, melon or even bananas
vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, zucchini, broccoli, artichoke, cabbage or peppers of all kinds (green, red or yellow). You can also prepare a salad with tomatoes or carrots to help eliminate toxins from your body
a herbal tea instead of tea, 0% fromage blanc for dessert or, better still, a plain yogurt to finish your meal lightly.

Avoid distractions and blue light once in bed
Bed is made for sleeping! Sometimes, we tend to associate electronic devices and bed at bedtime. But unfortunately, the blue light from screens is not at all good for our sleeping environment! As simple as it may seem, simply not using your Smartphone or computer in bed helps you sleep better. Indeed, blue lights and their use falsify the information communicated to our brain. In other words, they only fool your brain. Faced with these lights, your brain will believe that it is still daytime, leading in the long run to circadian rhythm disorders . It would therefore be more appropriate to put aside your electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed.Own better bedding for peaceful and lasting nights
Are you having trouble falling asleep even after drastic changes in your sleeping habits? If so, consider changing your pillow or mattress, or even both if necessary! Simply sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or too firm can be detrimental to your sleep environment. Whether it’s poor quality or too old, your mattress makes all the difference to your sleep. The same goes for your pillow.Have the right mattress
For a better quality of your sleep, opt for high-end mattresses. They perfectly respect your morphology and your sleeping habits. To be able to sleep better, nothing beats a mattress with a soft welcome and firm support like those found at Alba. A guarantee of softness and well-being , Alba mattresses are perfectly suited to finding sleep without micro-awakenings. Among our flagship products are the Alba Pearl mattresses. Mattresses validated by a scientific study, they will bring you comfort, lasting back health but also better body thermoregulation.Invest in a quality pillow
Neck pain, headaches when you wake up or constant muscle tension? What if these pains were partly linked to your pillow? Too stiff, it will cause pressure points in the neck. Too soft, it will not be able to support it enough. Finding the right balance is not necessarily child's play for most people!And yet, Alba still has more than one trick up its sleeve to best satisfy "heavy sleepers"! To sleep better, we offer you a pillow specially designed to promote relaxation and falling asleep. 100% natural and composed of 98% rubber tree sap , Alba Cloud pillows are able to support your neck point by point for immediate relief. Nothing to say about the shape, composition and fibers that compose them; everything has been prepared to ensure both comfort and health and of course, long-lasting sleep!
Regular sleep schedules, healthy eating in the evening, a room at the right temperature and insulated from noise are among the secrets of a good sleeping environment. Add to that a comfortable mattress and a quality pillow and your nights will be restful! We sincerely hope that our advice has been beneficial to you and that you will not fail to make good use of it to improve your sleep. And as we always say, health is a right for all! So don't wait any longer to get rid of your old habits and create a new sleeping environment conducive to peaceful nights!