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Pourquoi la lumière bleue est mauvaise pour le sommeil ?

Why is blue light bad for sleep?

In our modern society, screens are omnipresent and occupy a prominent place in our daily lives. Computers, smartphones, tablets and televisions are all sources of blue light , the effects of which on our sleep are now well documented. But why is blue light so harmful to our sleep? We will reveal the mechanisms at play and the consequences of exposure to blue light on the quality of our sleep.

The mechanisms at play: blue light and circadian rhythm

To better understand the effects of blue light on our sleep, it is essential to look at the mechanisms of action of this light on our body.

The role of melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone produced by our brain , more precisely by the pineal gland. It is often called the "sleep hormone" because it plays a crucial role in regulating our circadian rhythm , that is, our internal biological clock that governs our sleep-wake cycle.

Melatonin production is directly linked to exposure to light . Indeed, when daylight decreases, melatonin is released into our body, which helps us fall asleep. On the other hand, when we are exposed to light, especially blue light, melatonin production is inhibited, which has the effect of delaying sleep onset.

The impact of blue light on circadian rhythm

The blue light emitted by screens, which is in the most energetic part of the light spectrum, is particularly effective in inhibiting the production of melatonin. Indeed, our retina is particularly sensitive to this wavelength, because it considers it to be very close to daylight.

So, when we use our electronic devices in the evening or at night, our brain is tricked by this light , which simulates the presence of daylight. As a result, our circadian rhythm is disrupted , which can lead to difficulty falling asleep and a decrease in the quality of sleep.

The effects of blue light exposure on sleep.

Fortunately, there are simple and effective solutions to reduce our exposure to this light and thus protect our sleep.

Sleep disorders and insomnia.

Exposure to blue light in the evening disrupts our circadian rhythm , which can cause sleep disorders such as insomnia. This is because light-induced suppression of melatonin delays falling asleep and can also reduce sleep duration. Additionally, this disruption of the sleep-wake cycle can lead to nighttime awakenings and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Health consequences.

Sleep disturbances related to exposure to blue light can have significant repercussions on our health. In fact, poor quality or insufficient sleep is associated with an increased risk of various health problems, such as:

  • Obesity and diabetes: Lack of sleep can disrupt our appetite regulation and increase our insulin resistance, which can promote weight gain and the development of type 2 diabetes.
  • Cardiovascular diseases : Sleep plays a vital role in regulating our blood pressure and heart rate. Insufficient or poor quality sleep can increase our risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Mood disorders: Poor sleep leads to an increased risk of depression, anxiety and mood disorders in general.
  • Weakened immune system: Sleep is necessary for our immune system to function properly. Lack of sleep can make us more vulnerable to infections and diseases.

How to limit exposure to blue light and preserve the quality of our sleep?

It is possible to reduce the effects of blue light on our sleep by establishing a suitable evening routine and by prioritizing certain relaxing activities.

Adopt good sleep hygiene.

To maintain the quality of our sleep, it is essential to adopt good sleep hygiene. Here are some tips to limit exposure to blue light and promote restful sleep:

  • Avoid screens before bed: Try to disconnect from your electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed. Focus on relaxing activities like reading, meditating or listening to soft music.
  • Create a sleep-friendly environment: Your bedroom should be a space for you to rest and relax. Make sure it is dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature. Opt for soft lighting, replacing high-intensity bulbs with warm, dim bulbs, which emit less blue light. You can also use bedside lamps with shades to soften the lighting in your bedroom.
  • Adopt a regular schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at set times, even on weekends. This will help your body clock regulate itself and function better. Incorporate relaxation time into your evening routine. This can include breathing exercises, gentle stretching, meditation, or a warm bath.
  • Prioritize reading on paper: Reading is a great activity to relax before bed. Opt for printed books over e-readers, which often emit blue light.

Use blue light filters.

There are many devices and applications that can help reduce the blue light emitted by our screens. Here are some solutions to consider:

  • Use "night" or "warm light" mode: Most smartphones and computers now offer a "night" or "warm light" mode, which reduces the amount of blue light emitted by the screen. Don't hesitate to activate this feature, especially in the evening.
  • Install blue light filters: Physical filters or apps can be installed on your screens to block some of the blue light. These filters are available for computers, smartphones, and tablets.
  • Wear blue light blocking glasses: If you have to use screens in the evening, you may also want to consider wearing blue light blocking glasses. These glasses have special lenses that block some of the blue light, reducing its impact on your melatonin production and sleep.

Prioritize outdoor activities and avoid gyms in the evening

Exercising outdoors , preferably in bright natural light , is beneficial for our biological clock. Indeed, exposure to daylight, especially in the morning, helps regulate our circadian rhythm. On the other hand, gyms, often lit by artificial lights, can be sources of blue light. We recommend favoring outdoor activities and avoiding indoor sports sessions at the end of the day or in the evening.

Blue light, omnipresent in our daily lives, has a considerable impact on our sleep and our health. By disrupting our circadian rhythm and inhibiting the production of melatonin, it can cause sleep disorders and increase our risk of developing various health problems. To preserve the quality of our sleep, it is essential to adopt good sleep hygiene, limit our exposure to blue light, adopt a beneficial evening routine and prioritize outdoor activities. In addition, sleeping on a good natural mattress, like our original alba mattress , with its 100% natural welcome, can contribute to restorative and quality sleep, thus strengthening our general well-being.